Firm Becomes Narwal Litigation LLP

We are excited to announce that the Firm became a limited liability partnership on January 2, 2015, and is now known as NARWAL LITIGATION LLP.

Cheryl D’Sa Appointed to the Automobile Insurance Committee of CBABC

Narwal Litigation is pleased to announce that Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer, Cheryl D’Sa, has been appointed to the Automobile Insurance Committee of the Canadian Bar Association BC Branch. The Committee considers issues related to auto insurance, the practice of personal injury law and insurance. Its mandate is to identify issues of concern to the Bar in its relationship with ICBC and to liaise with ICBC and other concerned agencies. As well, it investigates and makes recommendations to the Executive regarding auto insurance, insurance law and personal injury and the Bar’s relationship with ICBC and other concerned agencies.

Cheryl D’Sa Elected Chair of CBABC General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section

Narwal Litigation is pleased to announce that Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer, Cheryl D’Sa, has been elected Chair of the Canadian Bar Association (BC Branch) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Lower Mainland Section. Ms. D’Sa currently holds the title of Secretary. Her term as Chair will begin on August 17, 2014. More information about this Section can be found here.

Narwal Litigation Sponsors Team for KICK FOR A CURE

The Firm is proud to announce that we sponsored a team of finance and accounting professionals who participated in the Kick for a Cure charity soccer fundraiser on July 12, 2014.  The event raised money and awareness for childhood cancer. Even though the event is over, it’s still not too late to donate to the cause. More information can be found here.

Joven Narwal Authors Paper for 2014 CBA National Criminal Justice Conference

Vancouver criminal Lawyer, Joven Narwal, was honoured to be selected to author a paper regarding admissibility of expert evidence for the 2014 Canadian Bar Association (CBA) National Criminal Justice Conference. The Conference entitled “Crime and Persuasion: How to Get Through the Evidentiary Motion” focused on advocacy in pre-trial motions and featured panels composed of the most experienced and senior judges and criminal trial counsel.

Ming Pao Daily News Interviews Joven Narwal Regarding Recent Customs Act Enforcement Activity by the CBSA

Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer, Joven Narwal, was interviewed by Ming Pao Daily News regarding increased enforcement activity by the Canadian Border Services Agency in relation to investigations of suspected Customs Act violations by those travelling to and from China.  Mr. Narwal explained the importance of retaining counsel as early as possible in the context of these investigations as convictions may carry severe penalties and have collateral consequences on immigration status and proceedings.